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FAQ for household gas detector

Time: 2020-08-28
1.Will my current smoke detector alert me if there is a gas leak ?
No! Smoke detectors work on the priciple of detecting particulates in the air. Leaking gas will not trigger a smoke alarm.
2.I use both LPG and Natural gas. Can I install a single gas alarm to detect both an LPG and a Natural gas leak ?
No! The complex detector systems in the alarm are specific for each type of gas. Also as LPG is heavier than air and natural Gas is lighter than air,
placing the alarm low to the floor will mean it would be unlikely to detect a natural gas leak. Conversely placing an alarm on the ceiling is unlikely
to detect an LPG leak (unless the gas leak is a massive one and or has continued for a long time.
3.How long do the units last?
Even though the units will operate for at least 5 years we recommend 1 year as the replacement frequency to guarantee optimum performance of the sensor.
4.Where do I locate the unit ?
The LPG Gas Alarm should be placed low down on a wall or panel within 0.3m to 0.5m of the floor.
The Natural Gas Alarm should be placed close to the ceiling , or about 300mm below the ceiling and within 2 to 4 metres of the appliance or gas source.
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