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Which of the following actions are incorrect and dangerous when a gas leak is detected?

Time: 2023-10-18

When a gas leak is detected, the following actions are incorrect and dangerous:

Which of the following actions are incorrect and dangerous when a gas leak is detected?



1. Light a match or lighter to find the leak. This may cause an explosion.


2. use water directly to try to clean the leak. This may aggravate the leak.


3. use glue or tape without authorization to try to patch the leak. It is difficult and unsafe to seal. 4.


4. use your hands or body directly to try to plug the leak. This can cause serious burns.


5. Open the electric switch to find the point of electrical failure. May cause an electrical explosion.


6. Continue to turn on the gas appliance. This can increase the amount of leakage.


7. Violently disassemble piping in an attempt to shut off the gas supply. Improper handling may increase the size of the leak.


8. Enter a confined space to view the leak. Poisoning may result. 9.


9. Use a vacuum cleaner to absorb the leaking gas. Static electricity may cause ignition and explosion.


10. Leave the scene without taking any action. May delay rescue and repair.


11. Handle the situation alone without reporting to the relevant authorities. Report at the first opportunity for help.


Upon discovery of a leak, immediately ventilate the area, avoid all open flames, close the gas supply valve, report the leak correctly, and wait for guidance on how to handle the situation.

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